

李 峰     教授,博士生导师


联系方式:15881094081          Email:[email protected]




2007.09  2013.02 University of Alberta,分析化学,博士, 导师:X. Chris Le院士

2002.09  2006.07,天津大学药学院,理学学士


2019.07  至今,FB体育官网-FB体育试玩 ,教授,博导

2019.07  至今,Brock University,化学系、生物技术中心,兼职副教授(Tenured

2014.12  2019.07Brock University,化学系、生物技术中心,助理教授

2018.08  2018.08,中科院上海应用物理所,中加YSEP访问学者,Host:樊春海教授

2013.08  2013.12University of   California, Irvine,干细胞研究中心,访问学者

2013.02  2014.11University of Alberta,临床医学及病理学系,博士后


Frontiers in Chemistry客座编辑

Biosensors 客座编辑




李峰教授课题组长期以重大疾病早筛早诊精准化、社区化的发展需求为导向,在疾病体外诊断及相关领域取得一系列创新性成果,为疾病早筛早诊提供了理论支撑与技术手段。在国际上率先从热力学角度系统研究分子诊断探针并指导临床应用的创新思路,开发了超灵敏核酸与蛋白检测系列探针。并在此基础上开发了一系列诊断新技术、理论预测模型、数据库、及便携设备,在肿瘤早筛、肿瘤伴随诊断、新冠疫苗在免疫缺陷人群中的效价评估、贫困国家及地区传染病防治等关键科学问题与技术瓶颈上获得重要突破。独立工作以来,以通讯作者身份发表SCI研究论文50余篇,其中包括JACS3篇),Nat. Commun.3篇),Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.1篇),Nucleic Acids Res. (1)ACS Nano3篇),Chem. Sci.4篇)Anal. Chem.8篇)等代表性著作,论文被引用4000余次,申请国内国际发明专利10余项,获授权1项。

入选国家高层次人才计划青年项目,四川省高层次计划青年项目,2021年加拿大化学协会Fred Beamish Award(每年全球一位获奖者)2021年四川大学好未来学者奖一等奖,2018年加拿大安大略青年科学家奖。受邀长期担任学科领域知名刊物Nat. Biomed. Eng. Nat. Nanotechnol.Nat. Commun.JACSAngew. Chem. Int. Ed.Anal. Chem.等审稿人,作为共同客座编辑组织了Frontiers in Chemistry “Nanomaterial-Based Biosensors and Devices for Diagnostic Applications”专辑等,应邀在加拿大阿尔伯塔大学(University of AlbertaDynaLIFEDX Lectureship主讲疾病体外诊断技术的发展前沿(每年一位主讲人)等。


2023 Pioneering Investigators, Chemical Communications (RSC旗下期刊)

2021 CSC Fred Beamish Award, 加拿大化学协会

2019 Young Investigators in Analytical and Bioanalytical ScienceAnalytical   and Bioanalytical ChemistrySpringer旗下期刊)

2019 山西省百人计划短期项目,山西省委组织部

2018 入选Ontario-China Young Scientist Exchange Program,中国科技部与加拿大安大略政府共同资助

2018 Ontario Early Researcher Award,加拿大安大略省政府

2016 Emerging Investigator in Analytical ScienceAnalyst(英国皇家化学会旗下期刊)

2014 JDRF Postdoctoral Fellowshipdeclined),美国糖尿病协会

2013 Doctoral Dissertation Award(推荐人:Analytical   Chemistry主编Jonathan Sweedler教授),University of Alberta

2013 国家优秀自费留学生奖,中国教育部

2013 Bill Davidson Graduate Student Travel Award, 7th   International Symposium on Enabling Technologies

2012 Young Scientist Travel Award, 28th International Symposium  on Microscale Separations and Bioanalysis

2012 J. Gordin Kaplan Graduate Student Award, University of Alberta

2012纳米技术创业大赛二等奖,University of Alberta



1. Wang, G. A.#; Wu, X.#; Chen F.; Shen, C.; Yang, Q.; Li, F.* Toehold-exchange-based activation of aptamer switches enables high thermal robustness and programmability. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2023, 145, 2750–2753.

2. Xu, J.; Wang, G.A.; Gao, L.; Wu, L.; Lei, Q.; Deng, H.; Li, F.* Enabling programmable dynamic DNA chemistry using small-molecule DNA binders. Nature Communications, 2023, 14, 4248.

3. Tang, Y.#; Song, T.#; Gao, L.; Yin, S.; Ma, M.; Tan, Y.; Wu, L.; Yang, Y.; Wang, Y.; Lin, T.*; Li, F.* A CRISPR-based ultrasensitive assay detects attomolar concentrations of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in clinical samples. Nature Communications, 2022, 13, 4667.

4. Wang, G.A.; Xu, J.; Traynor, S. M.; Chen, H.; Eljabu, F.; Wu, X.; Yan, H.; Li, F.* DNA balance for native characterization of chemically modified DNA. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2021, 143, 13655–13663.

5. Wang, G.A.; Xie, X.; Mansour, H.; Chen, F.; Matamoros, G.; Sanchez, A. L.; Fan, C.; Li, F.* Expanding detection windows for discriminating single nucleotide variants using rationally designed DNA equalizer probes. Nature Communications, 2020,11, 5473.


6. Traynor, S. M.; Wang, G. A.; Pandey, R.; Li, F.*; Soleymani, L.* Dynamic Bio‐Barcode Assay Enables Electrochemical Detection of a Cancer Biomarker in Undiluted Human Plasma: A Sample‐In‐Answer‐Out Approach. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2020, 59, 22617-22622.

7. Yang, X.; Tang, Y.; Traynor, S. M.; Li, F.* Regulation of DNA strand displacement using allosteric DNA toehold. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138, 14076-14082.

8. Wang, Y.; Yang, Q.; Lin, X.; Chen, D.; Wang, Z.; Chen, B.; Han, H.; Chen, H.; Cai, K.; Li, Q.; Yang, S.*; Tang, Y.*; Li, F.* G4LDB 2.2: a database for discovering and studying G-quadruplex and i-Motif ligands. Nucleic Acids Research, 2022, 50, D150-D160.

9. Yang, P.; Zhou, R.; Kong, C.; Fan, L.; Dong, C.; Chen, J.; Hou, X.*; Li, F.* Stimuli-Responsive Three-Dimensional DNA Nanomachines Engineered by Controlling Dynamic Interactions at Biomolecule-Nanoparticle Interfaces. ACS nano, 2021, 15, 16870-16877.

10. Mason, S. D.; Wang, G. A.; Yang, P.; Li, Y.; Li, F.* Probing and controlling dynamic interactions at biomolecule-nanoparticle interfaces using stochastic DNA walkers. ACS Nano, 2019, 13, 8106-8113.

11. Tang, Y.; Gao, L.; Feng, W.; Guo, C.; Yang, Q.; Li, F.*; Le, X. C. The CRISPR–Cas toolbox for analytical and diagnostic assay development. Chemical Society Reviews, 2021, 50, 11844-11869. (Inside Cover)

12. Li, Y.; Mansour, H.; Watson, C.; Tang, Y.*; MacNeild, A.; Li, F.* Amplified detection of nucleic acids and proteins using an isothermal proximity CRISPR Cas12a assay. Chemical Science, 2021, 12, 2133-2137.

13. Gao, L.; Liu, L.; Tian, Y.; Yang, Q.; Wu, P.; Fan, C.; Zhao, Q.*; Li, F.* Probing the Formation Kinetics and Thermodynamics with Rationally Designed Analytical Tools Enables One-Pot Synthesis and Purification of a Tetrahedral DNA Nanostructure. Analytical Chemistry, 2021, 93, 7045−7053.Front Cover)

14. Dong, T.; Mansour, H.; Hu, H.; Wang, G. A.; Watson, C. J. F.; Yousef, M.; Matamoros, G.; Sanchez, A. L.; MacNeil, A. J.; Wu, P.;* Li, F.* Colorimetric polymerase chain reaction enabled by a fast light-activated substrate chromogenic (FLASH) detection platform. Analytical Chemistry202092, 6456-6461.

15. Yang, P.; Li, Y.; Mason, S. D.; Chen, F.; Chen, J.;* Zhou, R.; Liu, J.; Hou, X.; Li, F.* A concentric DNA amplifier that streamlines in-solution biorecognition and on-particle biocatalysis. Analytical Chemistry2020923220-3227.

