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德国科学院院士、马普煤炭所所长Benjamin List教授访问FB体育 并做学术报告



2019年12月5日上午10点,应FB体育官网-FB体育试玩 邀请,德国马普煤炭所(Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung)Benjamin List教授在化学馆321会议室做了题为“Very Strong and Confined Chiral AcidsUniversal Catalyst for Asymmetric Synthesis?”的学术报告。此次报告由FB体育 冯小明教授主持,陈应春教授、刘小华教授、、Jason Chruma教授、高戈教授、付海燕教授、曾小明教授、郑柯教授、王天利教授、余达刚教授、林丽丽教授、董顺喜研究员、朱剑波研究员、张琪研究员、成楚旸研究员、曹伟地副研究员、付绍敏副研究员等及部分学生参加了此次报告会。



Prof. List received his Ph.D. from Frankfurt University in 1997. He was a postdoctoral researcher at Scripps Research Institute (1997-1998). In 1999, he became an assistant professor at the same institute, and in 2003, he turned into group leader at the Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung. Since July 2005, Prof. List was promoted to be director at MPI. From 2012 to 2014, became managing director at the MPI. Since 2018, he became to be member of the German National Academy of Sciences. His research interests are the organocatalysis, aminocatalysis, Br➢nsted Acid catalysis, organic Lewis Acid catalysis, asymmetric couteranion directed catalysis (ACDC) and synthesis of natural products and biologically active compounds. Prof. List published more than 200 research papers, including many Science and Nature paper. He also contributed to many reviews and books. Awards: Prof. List also got various awards, such as: Otto-Bayer-Prize (2012), Horst-pracejus-Prize (2013), Mukaiyama Award (2013), Arthur. C. Cope Scholar Award (2014), Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz-Prize (2016). He is the chief editor of Synlettand editor of Nature Communications and Synfacts.

上一条:香港中文大学谢作伟院士访问FB体育 并做学术报告

下一条:FB体育官网-FB体育试玩 2019年“化茧成蝶,筑梦七十”迎新晚会暨化学学科系列竞赛颁奖典礼成功举行
