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西班牙加泰罗尼亚化学研究所(ICIQ)Arjan W. Kleij教授访问 FB体育 并做学术报告


2019年10月21日上午10:30,应FB体育官网-FB体育试玩 邀请,西班牙加泰罗尼亚化学研究所(ICIQ)Arjan W. Kleij教授在化学馆321会议室做了题为“Carbon Dioxide based Heterocycles: From their Conception to Applications in Stereocontrolled Synthesis.”的学术报告。此次报告由FB体育 余达刚教授主持,冯小明教授、胡常伟教授、高戈教授、Jason Chruma教授、曾小明教授、陈小川教授、郑柯教授、董顺喜教授、朱剑波教授和曹伟地教授等老师及学生参加了此次报告。

在此次报告中,Arjan W. Kleij教授首先介绍了二氧化碳在环保材料、药物、能量存储、偶联反应等各个领域的应用前景。随后,Arjan W. Kleij教授介绍了他们课题组开发的由二氧化碳转化的有机碳酸酯,并且以此为模版骨架发展了一系列新型反应和实现了可再生化合物和单体的立体选择性转化。整场报告内容丰富,Arjan W. Kleij教授讲解清晰,由浅入深,形象生动地向我们展示了二氧化碳在有机合成方面的重要应用以及在聚合物合成中的巨大潜能。在随后的自由提问环节中,在座师生与Arjan W. Kleij教授进行了深入地讨论交流,大家获益匪浅。报告在全场师生热烈的掌声中落下了帷幕,结束后部分老师与Arjan W. Kleij教授进行了合影留念。

Arjan W. Kleij教授的个人简介:

Prof. Kleij received his MSc (honors, 1996) and PhD (cum laude, 2000) in Chemistry from the University of Utrecht working with Prof. Gerard van Koten (polymer chemistry). He joined the group of Prof. Javier de Mendoza (supramolecular chemistry) as a postdoctoral fellow in 2002, and continued postdoctoral work with Prof. Joost Reek and Prof. Piet van Leeuwen at the University of Amsterdam (supramolecular chemistry & catalysis). In October 2006 he was offered a position as Group Leader at ICIQ and named ICREA junior fellow, where he was promoted to ICREA professor in 2011.

His main research interests are in the area of CO2 valorization catalysis, development of new reactivity using organic carbonates as modular scaffolds and the use of renewable compounds and monomers in stereo-selective transformations and polymer applications. Prof. Kleij has (co)authored around 178 publications and 4 patent applications with total citations beyond 9700 and h-index of 55. He organized several important conferences on green chemistry and recently joined Organic Chemistry Frontiers as an Associate Editor.


下一条:吉林大学刘俊秋教授访问FB体育 并做学术报告
