邀请,日本大阪大学Naoto Chatani(茶谷直人)教授在化学馆321会议室做了题为 “ Development of New Catalytic Reactions Involving the Activation of Traditionally Inert Bonds”的学术报告。此次报告由FB体育
余达刚教授主持。冯小明教授、周向葛教授、高戈教授、Jason Chruma教授、曾小明教授、董顺喜教授、付海燕教授、杨宇东教授和付绍敏教授等老师及学生参加了此次报告。
在此次报告中, Chatani 教授介绍了基于独特设计的过渡金属配合物(钌、铑、镍等)催化的 C-H 、 C-C 、C-O 和 C-F 键等传统惰性化学键的活化官能团化反应,并对部分反应机理进行了详细的阐述。Chatani教授讲解清晰,讲授内容丰富,详尽地向我们展示了过渡金属催化惰性化学键活化的魅力。在随后的自由提问环节,在座师生与 Chatani 教授就反应机理等问题进行了深入地讨论交流,大家获益匪浅。报告在全场师生热烈的掌声中落下了帷幕,结束后部分老师与 Chatani 教授进行了合影留念。
Prof. Naoto Chatani 教授的个人简介:
Prof. Chatani got his B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. all from Osaka University from 1975 to 1984. Then he worked as assistant professor in Osaka University. From 1988 to 1989, Dr. Naoto Chatani did postdoctoral studies with Prof. Scott Denmark at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Then he was promoted to associate professor in 1992 and full professor in 2003.
His research interests are organic chemistry and organometallic chemistry. He developed new catalytic system by using transition metal complexes with unique design (represented by nickel) to realize the activation of inert C-H, C-C, C-F and C-O bonds. So far he has published more than 400 research papers on some internationally well-known academic journals. Prof. Chatani has obtained many awards including Young Chemist Award of the Chemical Society of Japan (1991), the fourth Green and Sustainable Chemistry Award: Minister of Education, Sports, Culture, Science and Technology Prize (2005) and The Chemical Society of Japan Award (2017) and Arthur C. Cope Scholars Award (2018) and so on.