,并在化学馆321报告厅做了题为“Amino Acid-Based Bifunctional Phosphines for Enantioselective Reactions”的学术报告。卢教授首先介绍了他们基于天然氨基酸设计开发了一类柔性结构的双功能手性有机膦催化剂,随后介绍了他们利用这类优势催化剂在系列不对称催化反应(如环加成,γ-加成,MBH-反应,RC-反应等)中取得的研究进展,该类有机膦催化剂具有标签性的辨识度,同时在 TCI 公司实现了商品化。最后卢教授提出他们接下来将利用这类催化剂及其方法学研究天然产物及手性药物的合成化学。卢教授的报告内容丰富,深入浅出,引起了师生们广泛兴趣。报告后,在场师生与卢一新教授进行了深入的交流和讨论。报告在大家的热烈掌声中落下帷幕,结束后部分老师于卢一新教授合影留念。
Prof. Yixin Lustudied chemistry and received his B.Sc. from Fudan University, and continued his graduate studies in Canada and obtained his Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry under the supervision of George Just from McGill University in 2000. He then carried out his postdoctoral research with Peter W. Schiller at Clinical Research Institute of Montreal, and subsequently worked as an RCMS fellow with Ryoji Noyori at Nagoya University. In September 2003, He started his independent career and joined the National University of Singapore (NUS) where he is now a Full Professor. Currently, he is holding Vice-Deanship at Faculty of Science.