邀请,美国科学院院士、德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校Michael J.Krische教授在化学馆321会议室做了题为“Hydrogen-Mediated C-C Bond Formation”的学术报告。此次报告由FB体育
余达刚教授主持,冯小明教授、刘小华教授、刘波教授、高戈教授、Jason Chruma教授、曾小明教授、陈小川教授、郑柯教授、董顺喜教授、付绍敏教授和曹伟地教授等老师及学生参加了此次报告。

Michael J. Krische教授简介:
Prof. Krische got his B.S. from UC Berkeley in 1989 andstudied one year in Helsinki University with Fulbright Fellowship. In 1996 he earned Ph.D. from Stanford University with Prof. Barry M. Trost and then did postdoctoral studiesfor 2.5 years with Prof. Jean-Marie Lehn in Université Louis Pasteur. In 1999 he took the position of Assistant Professor in the University of Texas at Austin and directly promoted to full professor in 2004. He has also been Robert A. Welch Chair in Science University of Texas at Austin since 2007 and Humboldt Senior Research Fellow in Freiburg University since 2009.
His research interests include transition metal catalysis, synthetic methods, total Synthesis and materials science. He has published more than 270 papers in Science, Nat. Chem. and other journals. He has been associate editor of Chem. Commun. and Series Editor for Topics in Current Chemistry since 2011. Prof. Krische is a recipient of many prestigious awards and honors, including Thieme Chemistry Journal Award (2001) , Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow (2003), ACS Elias J. Corey Award (2007), Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Award (2007), Novartis Lectureship Award (2008), Tetrahedron Young Investigator Award (2009), Mukaiyama Award (2010), JSPS Research Fellowship (2013), Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (2013), ACS Cope Scholar Award (2013), Royal Society of Chemistry, Pedler Award (2015), Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) (2017).