2019 年 5 月 22 日上午 10 点 30 分,应FB体育官网-FB体育试玩
邀请,著名有机合成大师 Kyriacos Costa Nicolaou 教授 (Rice University 美国莱斯大学 ) 在化学馆 321 会议室做了题为 “The Art and Science of Total Synthesis and Its Impact on Biology and Medicine: From the Fundamentals to the Translational” 的学术报告。此次报告由FB体育
冯小明院士主持,重庆大学药学院院长 贺耘教授、四川大学药学院院长 秦勇教授、FB体育
在报告中,Nicolaou教授首先介绍了他们课题组在天然产物全合成方面的研究,列举了目前为止他们课题组已完成的重要复杂天然产物分子,随后对部分具有重要生理活性和特殊结构的分子合成进行详细讲述。尤其是近年来通过发展的多步串联反应,简洁、高效地完成复杂分子的全合成,也体现全合成的艺术性。在此基础上,Nicolaou教授以自己研究工作为例,详细介绍了天然产物化学对生物学和医学的影响。如他们利用已发展的方法学合成系列天然产物类似物,并进行活性筛选,再将高活性的分子键合在抗体上面用作药物,目前该部分工作进展顺利,部分成果已获得美国FDA(Food and Drug Administration食品药品管理局)批准。在随后的自由提问环节,在座师生与Nicolaou教授进行了深入地讨论交流,大家获益匪浅。报告在全场师生热烈的掌声中落下了帷幕,结束后部分老师与Nicolaou教授进行了合影留念。

Introduction of Prof. Nicolaou
Prof.Nicolaou studied chemistry at theUniversity of London. (B.Sc., 1969, Bedford College; Ph.D. 1972, University College, with ProfessorsF. SondheimerandP.J. Garratt),
1972 —1973 Postdoctoral with Prof.T. J. Katz, Columbia University
1973—1976 Postdoctoral with Prof.E. J. Corey, Harvard University
1989—1996 Distinguished Professor of Chemistry, University of California, San Diego
1996—2013 Chairman of the Department of Chemistry, The Scripps Research Institute
2003—2009 Founder and Director of the Chemical Synthesis Laboratory, Biopolis in Singapore
2013—present Professor of Chemistry, Rice University
Prof.Nicolaou received numberous awards including The Yamada Prize (1999), The Nagoya Gold Medal (2001), Tetrahedron Prize (2002), The A.C. Cope Award (2005), the ‘MAN of the Year’ Award (Cyprus, 2015), Scientist of the Year Award (Cyprus, 2015) and the Wolf Prize (2016); He is aMember of the National Academy of Sciences (1996, USA), National Academy of Inventors (2015, USA), German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina (2009), Foreign Member of the Royal Society of London, (2013, UK), Rolf Sammet Guest Professorship (2014, Germany) and so on.His research interestsare Natural Products Synthesis; Chemical Biology. He synthesized almosttwo hundrednaturally occurring molecules andthousands ofdesigned analogs—perhaps more than any other in the history of this discipline. He is the author or co-author of almost 800 scientific articles, reviews, and book chapters, 67 patents, and five books.