“ Copper(I)-Catalyzed Borylation: The Discovery And Recent Development ”的学术报告。此次报告由FB体育
余达刚教授主持,冯小明教授、Jason Chruma教授、曾小明教授、王天利教授、董顺喜教授和付海燕教授等老师及学生参加了此次报告。
在此次报告中,Ito教授首先介绍了有机硼化合物在合成化学中的重要性、铜催化硼化反应的历史、不对称催化硼化的最新进展以及计算机辅助技术在配体设计和改进中的应用。随后,Ito教授进一步讲解了他们课题组基于铜催化高效、高非对映、对映选择性构筑碳-硼键的工作,并对反应机理进行了系统深入的研究。整场报告内容丰富,Hajime Ito教授讲解清晰,由浅入深,形象生动地向我们展示了铜催化碳-硼成键反应在有机合成的应用以及在复杂分子合成中的巨大潜能。在随后的自由提问环节,在座师生与Ito教授进行了深入地讨论交流,大家获益匪浅。报告在全场师生热烈的掌声中落下了帷幕,结束后部分老师与Ito教授进行了合影留念。
Prof. Ito got his B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. all from Kyoto University from 1987 to 1996. Then he worked as assistant professor in University of Tsukuba for 3 years. In 1999 he moved to Institute for Molecular Science and later he worked as research associate in The Scripps Research Institute. In 2002 he joined Hokkaido University as associate professor and promoted to full professor in 2010. Since 2018 he has been vice director for Institute for Chemical Reaction Design and Discovery in Hokkaido University.
Prof. Ito is the pioneer and very famous for Cu-catalyzed borylation reaction, which is reported in 2000. Now he has published more than 130 papers. He is a recipient of many prestigious awards and honors, including Meiji Seika Award in Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Japan (2000),Incentive Award in Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Japan (2008), The President’s Research Award of Hokkaido University (2011), The Chemical Society of Japan Award for Creative Work (2014), and FUJI FILM Award, the Society of Synthetic Organic Chemistry (2017).