3月16日,来自爱尔兰国立都柏林大学的Earle Waghorne教授一行三人到FB体育
进行了学术访问交流。Earle Waghorne教授是该校化学与化学生物学学院院长,与他同行的有该学院的有机化学教授Martin Albricht和Xiangming Zhu。双方就各自学校和学院的基本情况作了介绍,并就双方本科生和研究生的培养进行了探讨和交流。 同日下午,Albricht教授在化学馆报告厅为有机化学专业的师生作了学术报告,报告题目是“N-heterocyclic Carben in Transition Metal Chemistry: Challenging the Norm”。 在报告中,他介绍了其研究组在过渡金属领域的研究进展和新发现,着重介绍了特殊结构卡宾所表现出的不同性质和作为配体在金属有化学中体现的新颖反应性。 Academic visiting from University College Dublin of Ireland On March 16, three guests from university college Dublin (UCD) of Ireland visited our college, including Profs. Earle Waghorne, Martin Albricht and Xiangming Zhu. All of them are faculty members of school of chemistry and chemical biology of UCD, and Prof. Waghorne is the head of the school. The heads of both sides introduced the history and current status of respective schools and universities to each other, and then the professors discussed the different training systems for undergraduate and graduate students in both countries straightforwardly.In the afternoon, Prof. Albricht gave a presentation to the graduate students and teacheres majored in organic chemistry in our college. The topic is N-heterocyclic Carben in Transition Metal Chemistry: Challenging the Norm. Prof. Albricht introduced some advance and new findings of his research group in transition metal chemistry, and focused on special property and novel activity of abnormal N-heterocyclic carben exibited in organometallitic chemistry.After taking commemorative pictures, the professors made an agreement to keep on exchange visits of both sides.