4月13日下午,荷兰皇家科学院院士,飞利浦集团副总裁Dirk J. Broer教授访问FB体育官网-FB体育试玩
并在121会议室做了题为“Liquid crystal networks towards acuators membranes and some optics”的学术报告,院长余孝其教授主持了报告。会后,50余名师生与Broer教授进行了热烈的学术交流和讨论,大家均感受益匪浅。 Dirk J. Broer is polymer chemist and specialized in polymer structuring and self-organizating polymer networks. He joined Philips Research (Eindhoven, Netherlands) in 1973. Typical research topics were vapor phase polymerization, optical data storage, telecommunication fibers and liquid crystal networks. In 1990/1991 he worked at the DuPont Experimental Station (Delaware, USA) on nonlinear optical materials and vapor phase deposition of -conjugated polymers. He started his work on liquid crystal materials in 1985 developing the process of in-situ photopolymerization of liquid crystal monomers to form densely crosslinked and monolithically ordered liquid crystal networks. From 1991 he developed at Philips Research optical films for LCD enhancement and in 2000 he started his work on new manufacturing technologies of LCDs for large area displays and electronic wallpaper. From 2003 to 2010 he was senior research fellow and vice president at the Philips Research Laboratories specializing on biomedical devices and applications of polymeric materials. In 1996 he was appointed as part-time professor at the Eindhoven University covering research topics as liquid crystal orientation, polymer waveguides, solar energy, organic semiconductors, nanolithography, soft lithography and polymer actuators for biomedical microfluidic systems. From 2010 he is appointed as fulltime professor in Eindhoven coordinating the department Functional Organic Materials and Devices with a research emphasis on clean technologies as energy harvesting, water treatment and healthcare. Prof. Broer is member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW). In total, he has around 200 publications in peer reviewed journals and 110 US patents.