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美国旧金山大学化学系Professor Jie Jack Li应邀来FB体育 做学术报告


6月10日,应FB体育 邀请,美国旧金山大学化学系Professor Jie Jack Li应邀访问FB体育 并为学院师生做了题为 ”Broad-Spectrum and Specific MMP-13 Inhibitors for the Treatment of Osteoarthritis ”的报告。报告由FB体育 副院长游劲松教授主持。

Professor Li的报告主要围绕他在药物发现化学中的研究内容,即合成开发用于治疗关节炎的新型MMP-13抑制剂。在报告中,Professor Li指出在行业内广泛应用的广谱MMP抑制剂很多都不理想,原因在于很多药物在临床测试第三阶段对骨关节产生了副作用,即骨骼肌系统综合症。因此Professor Li及其研究团队致力于寻找更加具有特定选择性的抑制剂,通过高通量筛选技术发现了能分布在关节滑液中的MMP-13特定抑制剂。此类抑制剂已在动物实验中被证明有效,但由于其对灵长类动物有肾毒性,目前还未能进行临床测试。

Profile:Jie Jack Li earned his Ph.D. in organic chemistry in 1995 at Indiana University. After a stint as a postdoctoral fellow MIT, he worked as a medicinal chemist at Pfizer and Bristol-Myers Squibb from 1997 to 2012. Since then he has been an Associate Professor of Chemistry at the University of San Francisco teaching organic and medicinal chemistry. He has published 23 books ranging from organic and medicinal chemistry, to the history of drug discovery. Research in the Li group focuses on two areas: a. Fluorination via C–H activation; and b. Medicinal chemistry in the therapeutic areas of oncology and diabetes.


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