邀请,杨森制药公司Cheng Yi Chen博士来访,并作了题为“Practical Asymmetric Syntheses in Pharmaceutical Industry: Heterocyclic Chemistry and Asymmetric Synthesis”的学术报告。在化学馆321报告厅,Cheng Yi Chen博士详细介绍在了Sitagliptin、Elbasvir、Vaniprevir、Omarigliptin、Salvianen、Zonisamide、Losartan等药物的合成中杂环化学与不对称合成的应用。Cheng Yi Chen博士还介绍了其在解决(+)- spartenine surrogate 非天然手性问题方面的研究。此次报告会由FB体育
数位老师及相关专业的数十名研究生参加了学术交流。Cheng Yi Chen博士的报告内容新颖,讲解深入浅出,激起了在座老师和同学的浓厚兴趣,报告在热烈的掌声中落下帷幕。报告结束后,Cheng Yi Chen博士和现场的老师、同学们进行了多方面的交流与讨论。

Cheng Yi Chenreceived his B.S. in chemistry from Xiamen University (China) in 1984 and he earned his Ph.D from Ohio State University under the direction of Prof. David J. Hart in 1990. Cheng Yi Chen is a process chemist with 25+ year experience at Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson and Merck Research Laboratories and with a focus on designing, developing and implementing innovative, robust, cost-effective and green manufacturing routes to small molecule APIs. He is an industry-recognized expert in the design and development of manufacturing routes to significant drugs and late stage clinical candidates including Esketamine, Canagliflozin, Odalasvir, Cozaar, etc. He shows exceptional creativity and expertise in inventing new synthetic methodology, and problem solving ability. Dr. Chen is the author of >90 publications/patents and has given more than 70 invited lectures and presentations in main stream organic chemistry conferences and universities.