主办,环保型高分子材料国家地方联合工程实验室承办的“阻燃化学国际学术活动周”成功举办。活动期间,国际阻燃领域知名专家凯斯西储大学高分子工程系主任David A. Schiraldi教授、意大利都灵理工大学首席教授Giovanni Camino教授、俄罗斯科学院西伯利亚分院化学动力学与燃烧研究所OlegP.Korobeinichev教授、法国国立里尔大学Serge Bourbigot教授和Maude Jimenez教授、德国弗劳恩霍夫工作可靠性研究院(LBF)塑料事业部Manfred Doring教授等六位教授莅临FB体育
Brief Introduction of Professors
Prof. David Anthony Schiraldi, Ph.D. Peter A. Asseff,Ph.D., professor of Organic Chemistry in the Case School of Engineering & Chair Department of Macromolecular Science & Engineering Case Western Reserve University, visiting professor of CCP-UPC Barcelona, Spain and The Petroleum and Petrochemical College Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand. He has been selected as a member of the 2013 class of American Chemical Society (ACS) Fellows, whom are nominated by their peers and selected for their outstanding achievements in and contributions to the sciences and for providing excellent volunteer service to the ACS community. He is also a member of ACS PMSE Executive Board and on the editorial board of over a dozen of international journals, including Silicon, Macromolecules and Macro Letts, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, Journal of Industrial & Engineering Chemistry, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, etc. Professor Schiraldi is recognized for two decades of industrial polymer work contributing to the development and understanding of polymer/clay aerogels-materials of both academic and commercial interest. With over 20 years of experience on various bio-based materials (aerogels, polyether, composite and hybrid), he has published over 180 papers in journals (H-Index 33;3800 citations). His fruitful works on aerogels/clay have been highlighted in international top journal, Nature and Polymer Reviews.
ProfessorGiovanniCamino,emeritus professor of Polytechnic University of Turin,Italy, member of the Committee on the degradation of polymers of the Royal Society of Chemistry (London), member of the academic committee of International Conference on flame retardant materials, european polymer Consortium "polymer combustion behavior" theme Convener and the vice president of polymer modification degradation stability (MoDeSt) International Organization. Professor Camino is a world class expert Professor, has long enjoyed a high reputation in the international flame retardant industry and he is the founder of intumescent flame retardant materials. His currents interests include polymerization mechanism and kinetics, mechanism of polymer degradation and stability, aging and recycling of polymer materials, etc. Over the last four decades, he has focussed on combustion behaviour and flame retardant mechanism of polymers, and a great deal of pioneering work has been done in the intumescent flame retardant mechanism. He is recognized as one of the most influencing and inspiring leading scientist in this field. In recent years, research professor Camino research mainly interested in polymer based nano composite material preparation, thermal behavior and combustion performance and bio based flame retardant and flame retardant technology, taking flame retardant polymers and nanometer composite material and a number of EU Framework Program of science and technology. He has published over 280 papers in journals, and has been invited to review manuscripts from over 100 international journals, has published eight monograph chapters. He is currently on the editorial board of over a dozen of international journals, including Polymer Degradation and Stability, Fire and Materials, Journal of chemical and biochemical kinetics, Journal of Vinyl and Additive Technology, European Polymer Journal and Advances in Polymer Technology, etc.
Professor Korobeinichev Oleg Pavlovich, principal scientist researcher in Institute of Chemical Kinetics and Combustion, Novosibirsk, Russia, member of bureau of Russian Section of Combustion Institute and member of the Asia-Oceania Association for Fire Safety Materials Science and Engineering (AOFSM). He was a senior scientist of Institute of Chem. Kinet. &Comb.1975-1987; and served as professor at Novosibirsk State University, Department of Chemical and Biological Physics, 1998-2009; the head of Laboratory of Kinetics of Combustion, Institute of Chem. Kinetics. & Comb., 1987-2007. Over the last five decades, professor Korobeinichev has focussed on flame structure-experiment and modeling, chemical kinetics and mechanism in flame, fire suppression, flame inhibition, flame retardancy, reduction of polymer flammability, molecular beam mass spectrometry and combustion diagnostics-probe sampling. His current research interests include soot formation, combustion of oxygenated fuels and biofuels, synthesis of nanoparticles in a flame, forest fire, reduction of polymer flammability, pyrolysis kinetics of forest fuels and polymers, etc. He has published over 380 papers in journals (H-Index 16) anda number of academic treatises. Professor Korobeinichevwas on the editorial board of several international journal of flame retardant chemistry, such as Fizicagoreniya i vzriva (Comb. Expl. and Shock Waves) and Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. As chairman, professor Korobeinichev has presided over or been invited tomake plenary lecturesat international conference on flame retardant over 50 times.
Professor Serge Bourbigotreceived his Ph.D degree at University of Lille, France in 1993. Now, he is the head of Research at ENSCL of the University of Lille, France. His research interest and experiences are mainly focused on flame retardancy engineering of polymers and textiles; development of new flame retardant formulations for polymeric materials; kinetic of degradation of materials, pyrolysis, heat and mass transfer in intumescent materials during combustion and solid state NMR of flame retarded polymeric materials and of nanocomposites.Professor Serge Bourbigot is one of the most active scientists in the field of flame retardant. He is recognized as one of the most influencing and inspiring leading scientist in intumescent materials and their flame retardant mechanism. He has published over 300 papers in peer review journals, chapters in books and in technological journals and has edited 6 scientific books. Now,he is a subeditor ofPolymer for Advanced technologies and Journal of Fire Sciences,and also is currently on the editorial board of dozens of international flame retardant chemistry journals.
Professor Manfred Döring,the head of the department “Polymer Synthesis” at the Fraunhofer Institute for Structural Durability and System Reliability LBF, Division Plastics, Darmstadt, Germany.He was graduated from University of Jena, Germany, and earned a doctorate of chemistry at University of Erlangen-Nuremberg and Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He was the head of the department “Materials and Catalysis” at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Institute of Catalysis Research and Technology, Germany (2001-2012). His currents research interests include synthetic and technical chemistry, chemistry and formulation of thermosets and composites, flame retardancy of polymers as well as green chemistry. Over the last 20 years, professor Manfred Döring has published over 180 papers in journals, such as Chem. Commun, Macromolecules,Organometallics,ect. Professor Manfred Döring has been invited to attend the international conference on flame retardant and make plenary lectures over 20 times. At the same time, he is currently on the editorial board of over a dozen of international journals.
Prof. Maude Jimenezobtained her Ph.D. degree in 2006, then became an Assistant Professor and full Professor at UnitéMatériaux et Transformations (Unit of Materials and Transformations), UniversitéLille1 and ÉcoleNationaleSupérieure de Chimie de Lille, France since 2007 and 2017. Her research interests include the study of surface treatments and interfaces. One part of her research concerns the fire retardancy of polymers and particularly the comprehension of the fire-retardant mechanisms in intumescent coatings. She has also participated in the development of different surface treatments for textiles and polymers, such as cold plasma treatments and more recently layer-by-layer deposition. She has been published over 40 research papers in international peer-reviewed journals, including ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, Macromolecules and Langmuir.