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德国汉诺威医学院Jürgen Borlak教授参加2018年“国际课程周”授课


2018年7月16日,Jürgen Borlak教授参加四川大学2018年“国际课程周授课”,在四川大学江安校区第一教学楼A座A109多媒体教室进行了精彩的授课。

Borlak教授为本科生带来了一门题为“An introduction into preclinical and clinical research and drug development”的课程, 本课程主要是对药物/生物技术产业生物医学研究策略和临床发展计划的概述,Borlak教授重点介绍了高通量技术带来的基因组生物学知识和复杂的数据分析。同学们在修读这门课之后,纷纷表示受益匪浅。

Jürgen Borlak教授简介:Jürgen Borlak was born in Neu-Ulm, Germany. After studies at Universities in Germany and abroad he obtained his Doctorate in Pharmacology and Toxicology at the University of Reading, GB. Following residencies in the UK and France (Strasbourg) he was habilitated in pharmacology and toxicology and received the venia legendi (“Privatdozent”) at Hannover Medical School in the year 2000. Two years later he was appointed as full professor of Pharmacology and Toxicology at Hannover Medical School. From 2002 onwards he has been the Director of the Institute of Pharmaco- and Toxicogenomics at Hannover Medical School. This new field of genomic science applies a wide range of methods in genetics, molecular biology, molecular toxicology and functional genomics for a better understanding of disease causing mechanisms and drug induced toxicities. An array of enabling technologies are applied for an identification of “drugable” targets and for a better understanding of inter-individual differences in drug response, therefore allowing individualized drug treatment regimens and disease prevention strategies. Jürgen Borlak is also an appointed Professor of Molecular Anatomy at the Medical Faculty of the University Leipzig; a Professor of Experimental Medicine at Uppsala University, Sweden and is Distinguished Visiting Professor at the University of Trento, Italy. Jürgen Borlak is author of > 270 original publications and 25 book chapters and editor of the Handbook of Toxicogenomics. He is reviewer and member of the editorial board for various scientific journals. Amongst others he is an appointed expert of the World Health Organisation (WHO), of the US governmental agency FDA, the European Medicines Agency EMA and is also an international reviewer for many European, US and Asian Research Organisations.

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