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美国密西西比州立大学Dongmao Zhang教授参加2018年“国际课程周”授课


7月8日,四川大学 2018年“国际课程周”在江安校区体育馆盛大开幕,数百位来自世界各地的外籍教师及留学生在美丽的川大校园里,开始了丰富多彩的教学及交流活动。应FB体育 邀请,来自美国密西西比州立大学的Dongmao Zhang教授为本科生带来了一门名为“Molecular Spectroscopy for Material Characterizations”的课程。

第一天上课的早上,天空还飘着绵绵细雨,江安第一教学楼 A座109教室出现了一个忙碌身影——那就是为即将开始的课程进行准备的Zhang教授。在为期四天的教学课程中, Zhang详细的介绍了 UV-vis、荧光、拉曼和最新的偏振共振同步光谱方法的理论,并将理论与实验相结合,重点强调了相关仪器在实际应用中的利与弊。在对比中学习,不仅调动了学生的学习积极性,而且加深了同学们对于各种不同分析仪器在各种不同环境中使用情况的理解,同学们纷纷表示受益匪浅。

Professor profile: Dr. Dongmao Zhang is an Associate Professor of Chemistry in the Department of Chemistry at the Mississippi State University (MSU) in USA. He obtained Ph.D. in Analytical/Physical Chemistry from Purdue University in 2002, and then worked in Purdue Discovery Park for three years, rising from PhD research associate, assistant research scientist, to research scientist. He worked as an Analytical Chemist in GE for two years. He joined MSU in 2008 after a two-year stint as a research scientist at Rice University. His research interests include interfacial interactions of plasmonic nanoparticles, optical spectroscopy, and analytical method developments. His recent awards and recognitions include: Chemist of the Year (2017) by the Mississippi State Chapter ofAmerican Chemical Society; Top ten most prolific authors in the world for the Journal of Physical Chemistry C for the most recent five year (2017); Dean’s Eminent Scholar (2015); NSF CAREER award (2013). He has published more than eighty articles in the Journal of Physical Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Nano Letters, and JACS.

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