邀请,中科院上海有机所李超忠研究员、美国北达科他州立大学Mukund P. Sibi教授、日本大阪府立大学Ilhyong Ryu教授、瑞士伯尔尼大学Philippe Renaud教授、德国明斯特大学Armido Studer教授来FB体育
参加自由基化学研讨会,在化学馆321报告厅分别做了题为“Trifluoromethylation of Alkyl Radicals”、“The Impact of Achiral Templates in the Development of Enantioselective Reactions”、“Recent Advances in Radical-Based Site-Selective C(sp3)–H Functionalization”、“Radical Chain Reactions: How Far Can We Go?”、“Contributions to the Field of N-Radical Chemistry from 2004 to 2018”的学术报告。此次研讨会由FB体育
在研讨会中,五位专家分别对他们在自由基化学领域所做的杰出工作和心得体会进行了精彩的展示。其中,李超忠研究员介绍了烷基自由基氟化和三氟甲基化反应的研究进展;Mukund P. Sibi教授介绍了非手性模块调控化学反应选择性的研究进展;Ilhyong Ryu教授介绍了基于自由基的C(sp3)-H区域选择性官能团化的研究进展;Philippe Renaud教授介绍了自由基反应在合成化学中的应用及合成生物碱和其他生物活性化合物的方法;Armido Studer教授介绍了氮自由基领域近年来的研究进展。五场报告内容丰富,专家们讲解形象生动,深入浅出,使师生获益匪浅。在随后的自由提问环节,在座师生与专家们进行了热烈而深入地讨论交流。报告在热烈的掌声中落下帷幕,结束后部分老师与专家们合影留念。
李超忠研究员,1968年5月生于福建省福安市。1983.9-1988.7中国科学技术大学应用化学系,学士;1988.9-1993.7中国科学院上海有机化学研究所,博士;1993.8-1994.5中国科学院上海有机化学研究所,助理研究员;1994.6-1998.12美国Iowa State University化学系,博士后;1999.1- 1999.12中国科学院上海有机化学研究所,副研究员;2000.1至今中国科学院上海有机化学研究所,研究员。李超忠研究员是国际知名自由基化学和氟化学专家。主要研究领域包括:过渡金属催化的自由基反应方法学、自由基氟化和三氟甲基化反应和自由基反应在天然产物合成中的应用。李超忠研究员在国际知名杂志上发表了发表高水平论文80余篇。他在自由基化学上的卓越贡献也得到了学术界和国家的广泛认可。自1999年入选中科院“百人计划”以来,他获得了国家杰出青年基金(2003),中科院“优秀百人计划”(2003),国务院政府特殊津贴(2006),上海市“领军人才”(2010)等许多重要的学术奖项。
Prof. Dr. Sibi was born in India and received PhD degree at City University of New York with Prof. R. L. Lichter in 1980. He was a postdoctoral fellow with Prof. G. W. Gribble in Dartmouth College (1980-1982), with Prof. V. Snieckus in Univ. of Waterloo (1982-1985) and with Prof. R. Holton in Florida State Univ. (1985-1986). Then he started his independent research at the Atlanta University, moved to North Dakota State Univ. in 1987 and promoted to full professor in 1998. His main research interest is in the area of synthetic organic chemistry, especially radical reactions. He published more than 200 papers, 22 book chapters and 12 patents. Prof. Sibi received many awards, including University Distinguished Professor, JSPS Fellow (many times), Arthur C. Cope Scholar (2008), and Excellence in Mentorship Award (2018).
Prof. Dr. Ryu received his PhD from Osaka University. After serving as JSPS postdoctoral fellow and research associate, he was appointed as assistant professor at Osaka University in 1988 and promoted to associate professor in 1995. In 2000 he moved to Osaka Prefecture University as full professor. Since 2016, he also has a professorship at National Chiao Tung University in Taiwan. He has been the recipient of many awards and honors, including the Progress Award in Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Japan (1990), RSC Fellow (2005), the Chemical Society of Japan Award for Creative Work (2004), and Society Award for Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Japan (2014). His research interests include novel radical reactions, carbonylation methods, multicomponent reactions, and green synthetic methods.
Prof. Dr. Renaud was born in Switzerland and got his Ph.D. in 1986 with Prof. D. Seebach. In 1987, he was a postdoctoral associate of Prof. M. A. Fox at the University of Texas at Austin. In 1988 he started an independent research at the University of Lausanne and moved to the University of Fribourg as an associate professor in 1993. Since 2001, he has been professor of organic chemistry at the University of Bern. His research interests include the development of synthetic methods with particular emphasis on radical reactions and the synthesis of alkaloids and other biologically active compounds. He has been the recipient of many awards and honors, including Prize of the New Swiss Chemical Society (Alfred Werner Medal, 1994), Novartis Lecturer, Liebig Lecturer (2004), and Wilsmore Fellow in Chemistry, The University of Melbourne, Australia (2004)
Prof. Dr. Studer was born in Switzerland and got his Ph.D. in 1995 with Prof. D. Seebach in ETH Zürich. Then he was a postdoc of Prof. D. P. Curran at Pittsburgh Univ. In 1996 he started his independent research as Habilitation in ETH Zürich and promoted to Associate Prof. in Marburg Univ. in 2000. Since 2004 he has been full Prof. in Münster Univ. His research interests include radical chemistry, surface chemistry and catalysis. He has published more than 300 papers and is the recipient of many awards and honors, including Thieme Chemistry Journal Award (1999), Novartis Young Investigator Award (2006), Solvias Ligand Contest Award (2007), ERC Advanced Grant (2016), Highly Cited Researcher (2017) and Fujian “100 Talent Plan” Professor (2018).